Thursday, August 28, 2008


What a circurs the Democratic Convention has been this past week. I have been laughing so hard at the Clintions. And all of the hype it has been going through.
I am a conservative. But an independent who will vote for the person, that I think will do best as President of the United States of America. At this time I fell that the Democratic Party is a socialistic party that wants higher taxes and social programs. So therefore I will not be voting for Obama this fall. He wants change but he hasn't said what those changes are. I wonder if Obama would defend me and my country if we were attacked again. I think not. And if his wife says that we are a mean country and that she wasn't proud of my country. Then I do not want her in the White House.

I am not in love with McCain either, but I will vote for him because I think he will do a better job. At least McCain has defended his country. I wonder if I will be laughing next week at the Republican Convention.

I am so tired of politics. We have not statesman in my book. We did but that was a long time ago.

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